Sunday, September 13, 2009

two weeks til race #2!!

I'm on the downhill until the next race. According to advice I got from a very seasoned triathlete, this is what I should be doing:

No weight lifting for the last 10 days before a race (the muscle doesn't grow fast enough, I think)
The week before the race, taper time spent, but don't reduce speed

The 10-day mark is Wednesday.

This is the thing, though, and I didn't mention this to him: I don't lift weights explicitly to help me race. And I don't spend a lot of time running or swimming.

So this is what I'm thinking.

Today I'm going to do some more interval work on the treadmill and then see if I can swim. My shoulder is still a little sore, which by this point is just plain pissing me off. I have an appointment with the physical therapist tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm training — my last session with my trainer before he moves across the country. *sniff*

Tuesday I'll spin.

Wednesdays from now through April are built-in rest days. I have a meeting after school and rehearsal early in the evening. I barely have time to eat dinner. I thought about getting up early on Wednesdays and going for a swim before work, and then I decided that rest days are good and mine will just always be on Wednesday.

Thursday I might spin again.

Friday, treadmill and light lifting.

If my shoulder feels better, there will be some swimming in there.

Saturday, a cardio mix, I think, including some stairs and rowing. I'd like to get up super-early and go to the gym, just to sort of let my body know what it's in for. The race starts at 6:30. My wave won't be first, but I'll need to be there and have my transition area set up by 6, I'm sure, which is earlier than I wake up for work. Ugh.

We'll see how it goes... Despite losing my trainer and this shoulder setback, I'm excited about this race!!

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