Monday, February 16, 2009

exceeding expectations :)

I trained this morning, and B. had me do "Crazy Eights." We take two exercises of opposing muscles (for example, biceps and triceps), do eight reps on one, eight on the other, back and forth, to failure. OK.

My first pair was row and chest press. It was hard, but I plugged along. Before long (kinda), I was on my 10th set! He stopped me then (thank goodness!) and said we'd come back to it if we had time ... but that he didn't think I'd be able to do that many. (I ended up doing all four pairs of exercises to 10 sets — 640 reps, plus my warm ups!)

ROCK ON! I (often) love exceeding expectations.

That said, I am not always pleased to be underestimated, but he has a pretty good idea of what I can do and when I'm not going to be able to do any more — we've done a lot of exercises to failure — so it was kinda cool :)

I will be in NJ later this week, just for a few days. There is a new location of my gym there. B. talked to the nice people at that location, and even though their gym is one level nicer than mine (which means my membership wouldn't get me in there), they're going to let me work out there without issue, since I'm going to be there for only three days. I'm glad about that.

My right hamstring is still a little tighter than the left, but it's working OK. I'm guessing that another day or three should be enough.

Also, according to what I told her I'm doing, my tri mentor said that my training regiment sounds fine as long as I get some biking in. I'm glad about that — it means I don't need to add extra stuff on top of what I'm doing, which is super-good. I don't have time for extra stuff right now.

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